Weather in Torrox

Holidays in Torrox

Weather in Torrox

Find out all the weather information to enjoy your holidays in Torrox Pueblo, Torrox Costa and El Morche.

Weather in Torrox, weather information with weather forecast for 7 days with data on current conditions and forecasts for different hours.
All the information about the sky, temperature, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, percentage of clouds, probability of precipitation, sunrise and sunset times in Torrox.

The best climate of Europe

Torrox Taxi uses the services provided by la página, to offer to all the people who decide to spend their holidays in Torrox. Torrox Village, Torrox Costa and El Morche information of interest.

Torrox boasts the best climate in Europe, due to its geography. This allows you to have a combination of optimal weather variables, with mild temperatures for most of the year and little rainfall concentrated in winter, according to a study by the company Meteogroup. The report compares the province of Malaga and the town of Torrox with 21 other coastal towns in the Mediterranean. Among the conclusions, it highlights that Torrox has a subtropical Mediterranean climate with a an average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, where the difference between the warmest and the coldest month of the year is only 11 degrees Celsius.

The town of Torrox has the highest absolute minimum temperature in winter and the lowest in summer, as well as being the third town among those studied with the least rainfall per year, 54 days.

All this climatic situation is due to its geography, since on the one hand the Torrox River Valley is open to the sea, which makes temperatures milder, and on the other hand it is surrounded by mountains that prevent the arrival of winds.

It is one of the most visited tourist destinations all year round, with eight months of mild weather and four months of warm weather, the perfect place for a Holidays in Torrox.
Official website of the: Torrox Tourist Office